Welcome to the website of the Ahlulbayt Islamic Seminary of California. Please feel free to browse our site, where you will find information regarding our establishment, course offerings, and registration information. Please contact us with any questions or comments you may have.
Benha University would have a role in developing the community by providing an stimulating environment for education and scientific research as well as providing distinguished educational service by equal opportunities for students and increasing the partnership with the local and regional community in a flexible framework allowing to ...
Human Resources. Tatweer Petroleum’s nationalization rate rose from 80% to just over 83% in calendar year 2018, as the Company’s total headcount increased from 733 to 837 for a net gain of 78 year on year. Tatweer Petroleum made employment offers to 152 remaining Bapco secondees in December 2018 and, while some elected to retire early, 144 ...
Aug 18, 2009· A New Look at Kuwait: In Kuwait: prospect and reality Zahra Freeth collaborated with Victor Winstone to produce a comprehensive history of Kuwait. In this present book she returns to more personal theme, with highly readable portrait of the great new city that has now replaced the more vividly described in Kuwait was my home.
Worsening of the situation in Lebanon, 18.10.2019 / 15:54 | Aktualizováno: 18.10.2019 / 16:03 Due to intense anti-governmental protests, which started overnight on October 18, 2019, in the capital of Beirut and all over the country, we strongly advise to be cautious when travelling on the territory of Lebanon, to avoid gatherings and…
The application of the department of lands and Survey aims to facilitate the provision of the department's services to citizens electronically around the clock The application offers the following services: - Find a land parcel by entering the following information (the Governorate, the Directorate, the village, blocks, sector, parcel number) or its coordinates, and show how to go to it.
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