Al-Hosn Investment Company (“HIC”) is a joint venture capital company based in Oman seeking to buy equity majority and minority stakes in large and medium size companies that have strong, established market positions and able to expand. HIC invest typically in companies with a minimum value of RO 1 million. HIC commenced operation in early 2008 with strong capital base and a mandate to ...
La revue « ELWAHAT» pour les Recherches et les Etudes est une revue scientifique semestrielles éditée par l'université de Gharadaïa-Algérie. Est une revue scientifique à comité de lecture pluridisciplinaire avec des universitaires et des experts de renommé international. La revue « ELWAHAT» pour les Recherches et les Etudes publie des travaux de recherche dans tous les aspects de ...
the review, which was subsequently published in the 1996 book Stone Conservation: An Overview of Current Research, was to inform GCI research policy in this field and to highlight areas into which Getty resources might usefully be channeled. Today, a Google search for “stone
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