Shareholder base. The subscribed and paid-up share capital amounts to 9,085,663,010.32 euro, divided into 17,509,728,425 ordinary shares without nominal value. As of 11 September 2019, the shareholder structure of Intesa Sanpaolo is composed as follows (holders of shares exceeding 3% (1) (2) ):
Speech by Ambassador WANG Kejian at the National Day Reception in Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China: كلمة سعادة السفير الصيني وانغ كيجيان في حفلة الاستقبال بمناسبة الذكرى الـ70 لتأسيس جمهورية الصين الشعبية
Casper & Gambini's coffeehouse, with our signature décor blending a contemporary take on a sense of the past, our coffeehouses represent a modern version of the traditional café where businesspeople and the general public meet to discuss their day-to-day business.
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