Longman Communication 3000 The Longman Communication 3000 is a list of the 3000 most frequent words in both spoken and written English, based on statistical analysis of the 390 million words contained in the Longman Corpus Network – a group of corpuses or databases of authentic English language. The Longman Communication 3000
The Capture+ feature allows you to create memos and capture screen shots. You can use Capture+ to easily and efficiently create memos during a call, with a saved picture or from most phone screens. While viewing the screen you want to capture and create a memo on, slide the Status Bar down and tap . Create a memo using the following options:
Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences, Third Edition How to Use This Encyclopedia Entries are arranged alphabetically in this encyclopedia (see end papers for alphabeti-cal list). There is also a Topical Table of Contents at the beginning of volume 1. By scanning this list, the reader gets a sense at a glance of how the subjects are ...
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