Quelques précisions : Ces cartes sont réalisées à partir des données brutes du modèle anglais UKMO (UK Met Office) avec une résolution de 2.5deg . Les réactualisations commencent vers 4h50 et 16h50, une réactualisation dure environ 30 minutes.
PCBS State of Palestine Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. All individual information and data submitted to the Bureau for statistical purposes shall be treated as confidential and shall not be divulged, in whole or in part, to any individual or to public or private body, or used for any purpose other than for preparing statistical tables
Palestine is above all characterized by the Israeli occupation policy at the West Bank and Gaza Strip which Israel has occupied since 1967. On the West Bank more land and resources is becoming deprived the Palestinian population for the benefit of Israeli settlements with associated roads, walls and confiscation of water resources.
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