Halab News Network . For the ninth day respectively Russian crimes in # Aleppo didn't stop Today a Russian warplane attacked a house in "Bab Alnairb" district three people two of them were children and the third was a woman were killed, after that when the people gathered to help the injured people another warplane targeted the same area by cluster bombs
The order Cyatheales, which includes the tree ferns, is a taxonomic division of the fern class, Polypodiopsida. No clear morphological features characterize all of the Cyatheales, but DNA sequence data indicate the order is monophyletic.Some species in the Cyatheales have tree-like growth forms, but others have rhizomes.
Abu Muslim Abd al-Rahman ibn Muslim al-Khurasani (Persian: بهزادان پور ونداد هرمزد , Arabic: أبو مسلم عبد الرحمن بن مسلم الخراساني ; born 718/19 or 723/27, died in 755), was a Persian general in service of the Abbasid dynasty, who led the Abbasid Revolution that toppled the Umayyad dynasty.
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