Every time you jump, you experience gravity. It pulls you back down to the ground. Without gravity, you'd float off into the atmosphere -- along with all of the other matter on Earth. You see gravity at work any time you drop a book, step on a scale or toss a ball up into the air. It's such a ...
Doctoral School of Law, Political, Administrative and Economic Sciences The Doctoral School of Law, Political, Administrative and Economic Sciences is one of the three doctoral schools that were created at the Lebanese University in 2007. The purpose was to develop the necessary research experience in scientific fields and grow competences in managing academic research.
Gravity constantly acts on the apple so it goes faster and faster ... in other words it accelerates. Ignoring air resistance, its velocity increases by 9.8 meters per second every second. That is two lots of "per second" and is written: 9.8 m/s 2. 9.8 m/s 2 is the acceleration due to gravity near the Earth's surface.
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